- 15/2/2024 - School library and its Important by Biswa Bag
Different work assignment assigned by ZIET
- 16/2/2024 - Communication Skill by Saroj Kumar Dash
Changing the role of school library and librarian
Different webtools have been used in this session
- 17/02/2024
Development of E-Granthalaya 4.0 in environment of Digital era
- 18/02/2024- National Education Policy 2020 and its role of library
- 19/02/2024 - Library Management collection development and record management
- 20/02/2024 - Library Blog, E-granthalaya 4.0, Awareness on KVS flagship program.
- 21/02/2024 - Library Management: Stock Verification and Condemnation, Personality Development
- 22/02/2024 - Strategies to Improve Reading Habit, Visit to KIIT University Library
- 23/02/2024 - Creation and Management of Virtual Library
- 24/02/2024 - Social Media and Web based tools for school Library
Action Research: A tool to improve Library Service
- 25/02/2024 - Education Tour {Konark and Puri}
- 26/02/2024 - Artificial Intelligence: Future Technology for school Library
- 27/02/2024 - Code & Conduct rule for Govt Employees
- 28/02/2024 - Awareness on cyber security and school safety.